National Buffer Zones – National Disgrace
By now you will most likely have heard the sad news regarding national buffer zones. It is appalling that this proposal was ever put forward when there has never been any evidence demonstrating that intimidation or harassment has taken place outside any abortion centre in the country and bearing in mind that an in-depth assessment which took place in 2018 showed the peaceful nature of vigils and the conclusion was that national buffer zones would be disproportionate. But the amendment which would at least have safeguarded silent prayer near abortion centres was defeated 299 to 116.
On Monday, Isabel Vaughan-Spruce, the co-director of March for Life UK, was once again arrested doing exactly the same thing she had just been acquitted of only a few weeks previously – silently praying outside an abortion centre in Birmingham. No less than SIX police officers came to arrest her with a police van as she was told ‘You’re engaging in prayer which is the offence’ When she disagreed that her silent prayer was an offence, she was told even more emphatically ‘It IS an offence!’ She was then arrested and taken into custody before being released on bail. She is now banned from even joining those who are praying OUTSIDE the PSPO/buffer zone.
We cannot support the idea that praying is an offence. If our laws are going to deny us our most basic freedoms then they themselves are offensive both to God and all who appreciate freedom. Please donate to March for Life UK to help support Isabel and all our work. March for Life UK are having to spend much time defending Isabel in the difficult situation she is now placed in, as well as continuing our usual day to day mission, consequently we are in real need of financial support. Please, please be generous – this is a critical time and your donation today could have big implications on how we move forward. Thank you to those who have been praying for us at this challenging time and to all those who have already donated.