This year at March for Life we’re launching a new initiative and we want as many people as possible to be part of it. It’s called ‘Engage’ and the idea is that instead of just educating we want to demonstrate, instead of just learning in our heads, we will be practicing – so that during the march we can engage members of the public in helpful, productive conversations.

Those wanting to participate will be trained up in how to ask meaningful questions, to remember the importance of really listening and to conduct a constructive conversation that can really make a difference in how people think about abortion. You will be placed in a team of 2 or 3 and will have an experienced team leader with you who can help guide you through your conversations.

To be part of this you will need to be in the main auditorium in the Emmanuel Centre (where we hold the morning ‘Lifefest’) by 11am on the day of the march, Saturday 2nd September, and stay there throughout the training which will last until 12.30. This training is compulsory for anyone wanting to participate and you will also be asked to sign a code of conduct before going out on the streets. Any adult pro-lifer is permitted to come to the training and it does not commit you to taking part in the ‘Engage’ outreach project.

This training will be useful in your everyday life whether talking to family members and friends, people in your church or even strangers – but it will be even more useful if you have practiced this on the streets with help of your designated team leader.

To be part of the project you don’t need to book, just turn up on the day and make sure you’re there in good time. Spread the word and don’t miss this opportunity to become an active part in changing our culture, one conversation at a time.

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