Fifteen and Pro-Life
Being Gen Z and pro-life don’t often go hand in hand. In fact, many teenagers raise their eyebrows or avoid the topic if it ever comes up. With heavily biased news headlines and a society easily swayed by the opinions of influencers on TikTok, teenagers are automatically shunned and dismissed if they are pro-life, which is rare, because most people my age aren’t pro-life at all.

My name is Natalia, I want to share with you what it’s like to be fifteen and pro-life:
I was raised on the fact that abortion is wrong. From when I was little I knew that crystal clear: taking a life is wrong and abortions take lives. Even before the subject was ever brought up in my household, I always knew that pregnancy and a baby were a blessing. A big reason I am pro-life today is because of my mother. My mum went to pro-life rallies and marches when she was younger, also standing outside abortion centres to try and help women in some desperate situations. She has told me many stories about these experiences, of pregnant women she would meet on their way to the abortion centre, who felt they had no hope, but who ended up choosing life because of the prayers and support offered by those outside. It made me realise that if these women that are facing hardships are supported, there would be no need for a so-called ‘Plan B’.
Although I go to a Catholic school, the amount of ambiguity and tiptoeing around the subject of abortion is honestly alarming. Don’t you think it’s ironic that in those very classrooms where they teach that life is a sacred gift from God, they can’t bring themselves to say that abortion is wrong?
Unfortunately for the students that have misconceptions and have been swayed by the modern media, teachers are never really clear on what is abortion actually is, often using euphemisms and suggesting it is a ‘woman’s right’ rather than a moral wrong. In class discussions, terms such as ‘ending of pregnancy’ is the most common way they refer to the ending of an innocent life (I know right, *eye roll*).

When asked about where we stand on this issue, many of my classmates are unsure and even afraid to voice their opinion. However, I always try to share my beliefs on this matter as best as I can. I remember last year when we were talking about the ethics of abortion in R.E, a girl in my class said that there are millions of children suffering in the foster care system so abortion will prevent such suffering. This harsh take shocked me so I responded by saying that surely killing people isn’t the answer to ending suffering?
In my eyes, the value of someone’s life should not depend on how ‘wanted’ they are or how much they will suffer. Sadly, everyone is going to suffer at some point in their lives and whilst we should work to alleviate this when we can it’s worth reminding ourselves we aren’t any less valuable or worthy of life because of it. I, myself, have a little cousin who is adopted. I know the reality of course; that her biological parents were in a circumstance that meant they couldn’t, or didn’t want to raise their child but, when I look at her, I don’t see an unwanted child or a burden, I see a bright and beautiful life that is full of potential. Although it may sound cheesy I honestly can’t imagine my life without her in it.
This subject means a lot to me because I also have family members struggling with infertility and wanting to adopt but there are so few babies available for adoption. Seeing them struggle with the immense grief of not being able to have children of their own, makes me believe even more strongly how precious the gift of life is.
Whilst I would love to be a mother one day and experience pregnancy myself as I see motherhood as truly beautiful vocation, I would certainly consider fostering or adoption as a way of fulfilling that.
My generation will one day be involved in passing laws and making real changes for the future of our society. I hope that I can help educate others on what abortion is and, more importantly, on the value of every life. I want that future to be one where every life is valued, no matter how small. I’m proud to be pro-life and I hope after reading this you will feel proud to be pro-life too!