Organising March for Life in London is a big task because it’s not just a case of preparing the day but sharing the word to others. This is a task we cannot do alone. What is your sphere of influence? Are you part of a church group where you could mention this event? Do you have online friends who you could message a personal invitation to? Are you a pastor or priest who could mention this event to your church community? Here are some key things we would love you to do to get ready for the big day:

Make sure YOU have saved the date for Saturday 2nd Sept. Too often we hear from people who have kindly spread the word to friends but forgotten to keep the date free themselves. There is no substitute for your presence so please BE THERE!

Once you have worked out your own plans for the day please spread the word to others. You could do this by sharing some of our leaflets or posters at your church or with like-minded friends – contact us to receive some in the post, our details are at the bottom. You could also ask for a short notice to go in your church newsletter/bulletin which we can send you. You could give a short, two minute, talk at the end of your church service/worship/Mass. Forward this email to others you know or, if you use social media, maybe you could invite people via our Facebook event page.

If you are from an area that’s a distance from London would you consider helping to organise transport to help others come along? We can provide coach/minibus packs which give you all the information you need to bring along a group. We can post this out to you with coach posters which can be personalised as well as leaflets.

We are in much need of funds and would welcome any would-be fundraisers to get in touch. Maybe you could hold a sponsored event or how about one of our pro-life coffee mornings? We can send out a pro-life coffee morning pack to anyone who pledges to raise at least £20 for our cause https://www.marchforlife.co.uk/coffee-morning/ or alternatively how about just holding a collection after your Sunday morning church service/worship/Mass? Any of these ideas can not only raise much needed funds but also create awareness for the cause. We can send donation forms and promo leaflets to help with this, just get in touch. For one off donations or to set up a standing order please click the link below – thank you in advance.

If you fancy helping out on the day at March for Life then please let us know. We need over 100 volunteers in a variety of roles to make the day run smoothly. If you fancy becoming part of the team for the day, then let us know asap and we can share with you the different positions available.

Lastly, we need your prayer. We have a webpage which can help focus your prayers. We can do nothing without God and this is certainly a spiritual battle so please pray for us to persevere, that enough people come forward to support us, that we have sufficient funds and for a great day in London on Saturday 2nd September!